Dance Beat Magazine - March 2025

Vegas Open Throws a “7”

Report by Keith Todd

Photos by Chris Hanson  

In the game of “craps, ” which I have never played, I believe the object of the game is to “throw a 7.” Here in Las Vegas, craps is a popular game and the Vegas Open certainly threw a “7” again this year. Held once again over the first weekend of March at the Luxor Resort and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip, Vegas Open is organized by Mikal Watkins, Maria Hansen & Paul Holmes. Las Vegas has proved to be a very popular location for dance competitions and it is not hard to understand why.

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Pro Ballroom at Windy City 2016

Report by Anna Mikhed

Photos by Alliance Consulting 

I thoroughly enjoyed adjudicating The Windy City Open! Very friendly fun competition in a beautiful hotel with a great team of organizers and staff! The Professional Open Ballroom division was represented by couples from California, Illinois, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Nevada, Taiwan. 6 couples made it from Semi to the Final.

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“I could have danced all night……..”

And it was just as well, because Saturday was a marathon at the Atlanta Open!

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New York Dance Festival – Professional Rhythm

Report by Diana McDonald

Photography by Ryan Kenner

A quarter-final took the floor for the Open Professional American Rhythm at this year’s New York Dance Festival. I will take this moment to rant slightly if I may. American Rhythm is supposed to be rhythmic and earthy looking before all else. I think we have REALLY gotten away from that idea and replaced it with too many stunts and gimmicks. I would love a clean and impactful approach to these ideas perhaps with less crawling around on the floor. At this point, I feel the only thing that matters about what leg action you are doing, is that you finish what you start. Ok I’m done, now onto the results. 

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Windy City: Professional American Rhythm 

Report by Nadia Eftedal

Photos by Alliance Consulting 

From a semi-final, the final 6 were as follows: 

Kusak-Sartori: This couple did a good job of showing a nice balance of many dance elements…rhythmic body actions, good use of feet and legs, a nice awareness of connecting with each other, interesting choreography. Looking at their marks, it wouldn’t have been a surprise had they placed higher. Well done!

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